Sunday, February 14, 2010

Yomin Postelnik Quoted in The Week Magazine

Michael Steele vs. GOP
RNC chairman Michael Steele is under fire by fellow Republicans for putting his own interests above the party's. Will his critics force him out?

Time's up, Steele: Michael Steele needs to go, says Yomin Postelnik in The Sonoran Weekely Review. Not only is Steele "clueless on policy, devoid of ideas and bereft of a competitive political philosophy," he's dragging the GOP down with his latest round of rash remarks. By telling Sean Hannity in an interview that Republicans don't have a chance at re-taking the House of Representatives in 2010, Steele is "deflating" the morale of the party. "Chairman Steele," there are plenty of Democrats "perfectly capable" of attacking Republicans. "They don’t need your help."
"An open call for the resignation of Michael Steele"

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