Sunday, July 27, 2008

Response to the Over the Top TNR Piece by Eve Fairbanks

First of all, one question: If you're a major magazine wanting to attack Col. West, why in the world would you start out on a rant about Yomin Postelnik?

More specifically:

The most prominent Democrat magazine in the nation, The New Republic, prints an article in which they meant to attack Allen West (the GOP’s most articulate and effective candidate this year) and, in passing, decided to attack every Republican within a 10 mile radius. But for what reason on this great earth did they see fit to dedicate their opening two paragraphs with attacks on little old me?

Well, no matter what the reason, what they did to Allen West is far worse.

Why anyone would start an attack against a Republican candidate with a feature hit on Yomin Postelnik is beyond me. But the main point is as follows:

Here’s my original column. The Next Ronald Reagan is Running for Congress. Did Al Jazeera Just Try to Kidnap Him? It bears no resemblance to the cherry picked quotes she used to portray it as idiotic. The underlying story, that al-Jazeera interns tried to harm West was also cited by the Palm Beach Post and confirmed by a separate news source in Alabama (that al-jazeera was trying to do the same to the mayor of Birmingham).

Here’s her piece – shows how false media coverage is today (as if there were any doubt) -

See reaction at


Here's a quick response sent to The New Republic

As one of the people she wrote about I'd like to add some balance. First of all, Eve Fairbanks is an intelligent lady and a gracious reporter. I would also point out that I was at the speech with her too, and she exemplified nothing but the finest of decorum. However, I believe that she clearly erred on several factors.

First of all, the underlying story, that al-Jazeera interns tried to harm West was also cited by the Palm Beach Post and confirmed by a separate news source in Alabama (that al-Jazeera was trying to do the same to the mayor of Birmingham). Secondly, contrary to her implications, I named al-Jazeera in my column. Furthermore, I stated that this was obviously not a network decision, but that West had reason to be cautious as al-Jazeera hires foreign interns with little in the way of background information and their modus operandi is "fishy" to say the least (they did ask West to go with them to a location, the address of which they refused to disclose).

Incidentally, she wrote that I was part of a group of listeners in a retirement village. Just so that this isn't misinterpreted, I did go to the meeting, but am 30 years old and a professional columnist for CFP (and others) and publisher of Business Growth Trends, not a senior who writes as a hobby. I recognize that it wasn't her intent to portray me as a freelance retiree, but wanted to clear that point up, as this is how most people would interpret her remarks. By the same token, I object to her cherry picking Sid Dinerstein's resume, as he is a very accomplished individual (as is Chip LaMarca) who should have been portrayed in a better light.

Most importantly, I do not believe that Ms. Fairbanks' column does justice to Allen West. It seems that the author went to great lengths to portray Allen's positive qualities as negative. Aside from being a powerhouse, he is one of those rarest of beings, an honest politician. This is why he is so well liked by Democrats and Republicans alike who hear him speak. He's an honest conservative and even those who disagree with him admire his honesty, as well as the fact that he sincerely wants to do well for the nation. His record is one of immense service and dedication and he has widespread support among those who know him best, the troops who served under him. I would have expected a more fair and accurate piece from someone with the intelligence and acumen of Ms. Fairbanks and hope that she will be more even handed in the future. That said, I extend my best wishes to her.

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